Being Asked if they regret spending half a day attending a first aid skills training class, instead of spending that time driving, two-wheeled drivers of Grab’s ride-hailing app, laughing, said: “I got more than I earned, why regret it?”

First aid skills: Must-have soft skills for technology drivers - Photo 1.

Recently, Grab organized a first aid course for drivers to help driver-partners have the basic knowledge to support themselves, passengers, and the community. Knowing how to give first aid can enhance the survival of yourself, your family, and those around you in serious situations. First aid also minimizes injuries from becoming serious before waiting for support from a professional team. This is a very meaningful course and needs to be replicated further.

Grab continues to deploy first aid skills classes for two-wheelers to provide first aid knowledge and skills for drivers in Ho Chi Minh City. HCMC. Grab is expected to quickly deploy the model in the market with an equally large number of partners and customers, which is Hanoi in the near future.

First aid skills: Must-have soft skills for technology drivers - Photo 2.

Grab has coordinated with the Vietnam Survival Skills Project to organize these first aid skills classes. Co-founder of the project – Ms. Trang Jena Nguyen, is the one who directly teaches the driver from knowledge to basic skills to handle in case of accidents encountered in daily life.

First aid skills: Must-have soft skills for technology drivers - Photo 3.

Common situations commonly encountered in daily life such as fainting, soft tissue injuries (hands and feet) due to sharp foreign bodies, choking foreign bodies, stopping breathing… The class teacher provided the initial identification of each accident case, and gave 100% of the drivers practice on the spot. .javascript:if(typeof(admSspPageRg)!=’undefined’){admSspPageRg.draw(3196);}else{parent.admSspPageRg.draw(3196);}

First aid skills: Must-have soft skills for technology drivers - Photo 4.

In the case of a victim of cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest, the method that must be performed on the spot before the arrival of professional ambulances is a combination of rescue breathing and chest compressions. This is one of the most difficult skills, so drivers are divided into small groups to perform under the guidance of first-aiders.

First aid skills: Must-have soft skills for technology drivers - Photo 5.

Ms. Trang Jena Nguyen commented that she was quite surprised by the practical skills of the drivers, even though they had not had access to first aid before. Ms. Trang said that this is one of the “students” who do the best in breathing and chest compressions because this operation is not easy to do.

First aid skills: Must-have soft skills for technology drivers - Photo 6.

“After the course, I gained a lot of knowledge about first aid skills when having an unexpected accident. Now, if someone in the family is burned, nosebleed, injured, or choked on a foreign object, they are also more confident to cope. I spent half a day driving the car to go to first aid training, but I have no regrets. I have more skills for myself and can help passengers, which is more meaningful than the money can be earned,” said driver-partner Nguyen Van Ma Khac Huy, laughing.

First aid skills: Must-have soft skills for technology drivers - Photo 7.

At the end of the training course, drivers must take a short test of 15 questions, including knowledge and manipulation of some first aid skills. Mr. Jerry Lim – Director of Grab Vietnam, shared: “This training course not only equips driver-partners with basic first aid knowledge to support themselves and customers when they encounter unexpected accidents but also contributes to enhancing the safety of driver-partners and customers when traveling with Grab.”

Source: Kênh 14