The number one priority in any emergency situation is your own safety. You cannot help anyone if you are injured or become the next person in need of assistance.

Always start by ensuring your own safety and the safety of those around you before providing first aid to the person in need. The injuries of the person in need should be assessed for severity and treated in the appropriate order based on which injury poses the highest threat to their life.

When there is no adequate supply of oxygenated blood to the brain, brain damage occurs within approximately 3-4 minutes from the onset of respiratory or cardiac arrest. Therefore, ensuring an open airway for an unconscious person is a life-saving measure. Opening the airway should be done immediately by tilting the head and lifting the chin of the person in need. If they are still breathing, place them on their side with the mouth facing downward.

Clearing the airway must be prioritized first. The process of providing first aid will not be meaningful if attention is focused on treating other injuries while the person in need is unable to breathe or shows no signs of life (obstructed breathing or respiratory arrest, lack of blood circulation, or cardiac arrest).

The order of treating injuries in first aid for individuals in emergency situations is as follows:

1 – Open the airway

Ensure a clear airway for an unconscious person who is still breathing normally. Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if they are in respiratory or cardiac arrest.

2 – Control bleeding

3 – Treat burns/scalds

4 – Treat fractures, sprains, and strains

5 – Treat other injuries

6 – Treat factors related to shock

Learn more:

Register for first aid courses on resuscitation and CPR with SSVN.