When there is a fire, the fire is not as dangerous as the smoke, so quickly move to a safe place by crouching or crawling close to the wall.

5 steps to survive in a fire. When there is a fire, the fire is not as dangerous as the smoke, so quickly move to a safe place by crouching or crawling close to the wall. With more than 20 experiences working at the Sydney Rescue Association (Australia) before establishing Survival Skills Vietnam , expert Tony Coffey shares 5 important steps to survive if trapped in a fire.

First, you must calmly locate the fire and where the smoke is coming from

First, turn off the circuit breaker to prevent the fire from spreading out. Then try to stop the fire with a fire extinguisher, turn off the gas or extinguish the flame.

Normally, when a fire occurs, we try to put it out, but don’t spend too much time doing that, because the whole room can be completely engulfed in flames in just two minutes.

“If the fire cannot be put out after about 1 to 1.5 minutes, you need to immediately find a way to escape,” said expert Tony Coffey.

A 10-storey mini apartment building caught fire and was filled with smoke on the 12th September on Khuong Ha street, Thanh Xuan

A 10-storey mini apartment building caught fire and was filled with smoke on the 12th September on Khuong Ha street, Thanh Xuan

Second, quickly find the nearest emergency exit.

Normally, the exits in houses are the main door, window, balcony and the way up to the terrace or roof to escape to the next door houses.

The exit of the apartment is the stairs. When there is a fire, the alarm will be activated, follow the exit lights or speakers. In case there are no instructions, quickly locate the nearest fire escape and go there.

According to current standards, every apartment building must have at least two escape staircases. However, many places block the escape doors to make it easier to move, causing toxic smoke to flow into the emergency staircase, endangering the exit way.

In case the house has a protective iron cage, it is necessary to have a door to escape to the next houses in case of fire. If there are no emergency exits, prepare a hammer or axe to break iron bars when necessary.

Third, remember that the fire is not the main problem, it’s the smoke.

This is the main cause of most deaths. The smoke from the fire is very toxic, the victim loses consciousness very quickly, while it takes a long time for the fire to burn. Therefore, when moving, you need to crouch or crawl close to the floor because toxic smoke will be high above.

“If you have enough time, use a wet towel, shirt, or mask to cover your nose and mouth to prevent poisoning, but also remember to do it only if you have enough time. And even if you cover it with a wet towel, you still have to escape while bending over, crawling”, Mr. Tony instructed.

In case the fire catches on the clothes you are wearing: Don’t run, lie down and roll over to put out the fire and then continue to crawl out.

Fourth, always check the doors before opening. Before opening the door, put your hand on the door and check the temperature.

When opening the door, keep your face and body aside to prevent blast of fire. If the temperature is too high, absolutely do not open the foor and find another way.

Fifth, if you cannot get to a safe exit

Bring the whole family in one room, close the door and then use tape to seal the gap. At the same time, wet a towel, cloth, or even clothes to seal the door gap, wet the door, or the entire floor.

Move to a smoke-free balcony. Use flashlights or brightly colored objects to signal for help. Absolutely do not hide under the bed or in the room, closet, or bathroom. Lie down on the floor waiting for rescue. Prepare plenty of wet towels and call someone outside for help.

It should be emphasized that there is very little time to react to a house fire situation, so it is important to have a plan for what to do when a fire occurs and make sure everyone in the house is aware. Once getting out of the fire, there needs to be a safe meeting point for all members to meet. Furthermore, fires are often large when they occur at night. It’s dark and the power is off, so you need to try to close your eyes and practice first.

The plan must also be feasible and the emergency exit accessible. “Don’t lock your family in a house with no escape. All escape routes must be able to be opened, especially from the inside to be able to escape,” the expert said.

In addition, remember four things not to do during a house fire: do not try to find valuables or the cause of the fire; Do not use the elevator; Do not use water to try to extinguish a fire caused by electricity or oil; Do not return to the fire area after successfully escaping.

According to Mr.Tony Coffey, experts around the world agree that doing the above will maximize the possibility of survival in a fire.

“Everyone has a phone, so while escaping, call the fire department and do what they ask. They will give you advice and are the ones who risk their lives to save you,” Mr. Tony said.

Source: vnexpress.net