Ky Phong is one of the main faces of the movie “Southern Forest Land” in the role of Co – An’s best friend with the image of a boy who is experienced early, intelligent, good at slingshot, accompanying An on the journey to find his father.

Accompanying Phong is his mother – actress Kieu Trinh She is loved by audiences through artistic films such as Buffalo Len Mua, Bi Dung So, Black Forest, Song Lang… which have won many international film awards and she revealed that she also played a small role in the film “Dat Rung Phuong Nam” by director Nguyen Quang Dung.

Actor Ky Phong and actress Kieu Trinh take a photo with first aid expert Tony Coffey.

Dưới đây là đôi dòng chia sẻ của diễn viên Kiều Trinh sau khi học sơ cứu cùng Kỹ năng sinh tồn- SSVN:

When bad incidents such as stroke, heart attack, cardiac arrest, drowning, burns, choking on foreign objects, etc. happen to our loved ones, what should we do to save them when we have no knowledge or are not near a hospital?

Actress Kieu Trinh and her son, actor Ky Phong, performed first aid practice exercises

If the victim is unconscious and stops breathing, the brain will die after several minutes without oxygen. What will we do to save them when the medical team has not arrived yet?

Once again, mother and son would like to express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Tony Coffey from Australia and Mr. Ho Thai Binh and Mr. Nghia Pham for organizing first aid classes to share with everyone.

First aid expert Tony Coffey (left) – actress Kieu Trinh and Mr. Ho Thai Binh, director of SSVN Survival Skills (right)

For a long time, I wanted to learn these important first aid skills, hoping that I can handle emergencies well when they happen to my family members but didn’t know where to learn.

I know that many of our friends and society desire to protect their families, but everyone has their own life concerns so they cannot equip themselves with these essential skills yet.

Did you know? Yesterday, the image of a mother living in Park Riveside residential area bringing her whole family to the class touched me deeply. Even her visually impaired 15-16-year-old son attended the class. I feel very lucky to participate in this training taught by Mr Tony.

SSVN rất vui vì là đơn vị đào tạo sơ cứu được 2 mẹ con chị tin tưởng lựa chọn và theo học các kỹ năng sơ cứu để có thể xử lý kịp thời những tai nạn rủi ro khẩn cấp ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe & tính mạng để có thể bảo vệ bản thân và những người xung quanh.

Source: Actress Kieu Trinh