On July 1, Survival Skills Vietnam (SSVN) in collaboration with ASIF Foundation – International Vietnamese Charity Fund organized a ceremony to donate books to visually impaired students.

Accordingly, representatives of SSVN and ASIF presented 105 Braille versions of First Aid & Escape Manuals to public and private facilities, centers, and shelters for educating the blind.

The event was held at Nguyen Dinh Chieu Special High School, marking a meaningful milestone in the journey of bringing first aid knowledge closer to the blind community.

Representative of ASIF, Mr. Thuan Nguyen (left) - Board of Directors of Nguyen Dinh Chieu Special High School (middle) and representative of SSVN, Ms. Trang Jena (right) are donating books to the school

Representative of ASIF, Mr. Thuan Nguyen (left) – Board of Directors of Nguyen Dinh Chieu Special High School (middle) and representative of SSVN, Ms. Trang Jena (right) are donating books to the school

With the aim of focusing on improving opportunities to access knowledge and information for visually impaired people. This not only contributes to improving living conditions, but also helps them integrate into the community more positively.

Every day, students face significant challenges when studying and living at school. For children with visual impairments, the risks and dangers become even more worrying.

However, with the constant attention and efforts of Survival Skills Vietnam and the teachers of Nguyen Dinh Chieu Special High School, the First Aid Manual project was converted into Braille format as a source of material. The first first aid education in Vietnamese for blind children, they were provided with extremely useful tools such as Braille books and audiobooks.

It not only helps children improve their first aid knowledge and skills, but also provides specific instructions on how to escape in case of an incident. This not only helps protect children’s safety but also contributes to enhancing their independence and confidence in life.

This is part of Survival Skills Vietnam‘s strategic vision to help Vietnamese people, including people with disabilities, have access to first aid skills. Survival Skills Vietnam is building to become the first first-aid teaching unit that can serve people with disabilities in Southeast Asia and developing technology so that more people with disabilities can access first aid knowledge, especially in remote areas.

Photo: David de Witt

Photo: David de Witt

At the ceremony, ASIF representative, Mr. Thuan Nguyen, shared about the organization’s enthusiasm when implementing this project. He emphasized his desire to provide valuable learning resources, not only for students but also for the entire education system, to create a solid foundation for future projects to support the blind.

Ms. Trang Jena Nguyen, representative of SSVN, also shared about the motivation for establishing the project, from ASIF’s initial support for 4 teachers to now reaching other subjects such as the deaf and multi-racial people. with disabilities, contributing to building a system to support people with disabilities in accessing essential knowledge.

The representative of the Nhu Nghia Brothers Home for the Blind, Sister Dung, expressed her concern about the difficulty in accessing books for the blind. She also shared about the Braille book printing project and called for support to bring more “sources of joy and happiness” to the children.

SSVN hopes to join hands towards improving the quality of life and opportunities to access essential knowledge for the blind community in Vietnam.

>> See more: SSVN-Equip first aid skills for children at Ho Chi Minh City Book Street