Drowning is a serious life-threatening hazard that often occurs without warning. Vietnam is a country with a high rate of child drowning deaths.

Recently, SSVN has cooperated with organizations to protect children and the disadvantaged to impart skills to prevent drowning.

Drowning can happen to anyone, whether they have swimming experience or not, and can face the risk of drowning when exposed to water.

By raising awareness of safety, SSVN has made efforts to impart knowledge of drowning prevention to organizations that help children and the disadvantaged such as: Lucky House, Christina Noble Children’s Protection Association, Pacific Links Foundation, etc.

Drowning Prevention Training for Christina Noble Children’s Aid Society


Drowning Prevention Training for Lucky House Organization

During the lessons, joy filled the faces of the children and teachers. SSVN was very happy to spread first aid skills and received a lot of positive feedback from the organizations.

“Through this topic, I learned many new things for myself and gained more knowledge to protect myself and my family.”

“This topic is very useful. After this topic, I think that participants will apply useful skills and knowledge when encountering drowning incidents.”

“What did the speaker teach me about drowning? How to save a drowning person and preventive measures”

Sharing from campers of the 2023 Connections Summer Camp, Pacific Links Foundation

Lucky House students happily perform practice movements

SSVN hopes to spread more first aid skills to reduce the rate of unnecessary casualties as well as the current situation of drowning in Vietnam.