Caring for Elderly Dementia Patients in the Home in Vietnam
Vietnam has one of the fastest ageing populations in the world, with...
Choking vs. Gagging in Children
Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is a popular method of introducing solid foods...
What does antiseptic do?
Antiseptics have widespread use in first aid and many people would be...
Common injuries in childcare centres
Childcare centres are essential environments for early childhood development, but these settings...
Common Traumatic Injuries in the elderly that happen in the home
As our population ages, there are many elderly people living at home...
Heart Attack, Stroke, and Seizures in Elderly People at Home
As the population in Vietnam gets older, medical emergencies such as heart...
Medical Emergency at 10,000 metres
I have never been able to sleep in between jobs on less...
Main actor of the film “Southern Land” learns first aid with SSVN
Ky Phong is one of the main faces of the movie...
Should “special” children learn first aid?
On May 22, 2019, nearly 40 deaf students from Hear.Us.Now (HUN) attended...
Tony Coffey – Everyone needs to learn first aid
There were two moments that made Tony Coffey a first aid instructor...