News and Activities
Social impact programs
Thông tin và tin tức chi tiết về các hoạt động tạo tác động xã hội giúp lan toản kỹ năng sơ cấp cứu và xây dựng cộng đồng an toàn và nhân văn cùng Kỹ Năng Sinh Tồn SSVN
First aid skills – tips to help you stay safe
All of those dangerous situations can happen any time in life. However,...
Learn first aid and escape skills
At the training session, expert Tony Coffey pointed out some common mistakes...
Ride-hailing app ‘Be’ equips drivers with first aid skills
Every day on each road, drivers face many dangers. Therefore, ride-hailing app...
Learn first aid skills with expert Tony Coffey
Recently, nearly 800 teachers, staff, and students of North America International School...
Practical Course of First Aid for Family Accidents
How to give first aid correctly in critical incidents, especially when the...
Treating thrush, a baby is in critical condition
On the afternoon of August 11, the Emergency Department – Saint Paul...
CHIR signed a cooperation agreement with SSVN
CHIR – Health Innovation Research Center signed a cooperation agreement with Survival...
UEFers learn about Social Impact Business with SSVN
In the morning of June 18, the UEF Community Connection Center continued...
A learner ‘s confessions
“I came to this course in a passive position. Like anyone else...
Misconception about CPR
When a person’s heart has stopped beating, everything seems to be too...
Insect allergy in children
A 3-year-old child was in anaphylactic shock after being fed ” FRIED...
How to react when seeing someone being electrocuted
In Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City there was a case...